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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

About SEO


seo logo


SEO basics

Search engines help connect Internet users with the information they’re seeking. Here’s how search engines work:
Search engines analyze the words on webpages, especially words that are repeated or otherwise called out: in boldface, in a headline, in a link, and so on. The engine records those important words and phrases—the page’s keywords—on its servers.
When you type the words you’re looking for into a search box, the engine tries to match your words with the words from webpages it has analyzed, and it then delivers a list of matches. The engine organizes that list from best to worst, ranking the results according to a variety of criteria (such as how many other sites find a page valuable and link to it).
People usually click the links on the first page of results, so sites at the top of the list are more likely to get visitors. And more visitors can mean more page views, more leads, more sales, more ad revenue, and other business benefits. 

search result picture
Example of Search

A number of SEO (search engine optimization) techniques exist to give sites an advantage in this ranking, and many of these apply to Web design. But as a content creator, your best SEO techniques are (1) to write information-rich copy that people will want to read and link to and (2) to figure out which words people are likely to use in searches, and then embed those keywords throughout your copy.
SEO copywriting is about using the exact terms that people are searching on so that it’s completely obvious what your page or article is about. SEO copywriting is not about trying to trick search engines by stuffing content with unrelated keywords or with so many keywords that the copy sounds silly. Good SEO copywriting makes your page more readable for both search engines and humans. It helps your website attract visitors, but it also helps your visitors find substantial, relevant content. 
Best practices in brief 

SEO is competitive: There’s no guarantee that you’ll be able to get your site on a first page of search results. But as a content creator, you can help bump up your site’s ranking just by optimizing the text and links.
Here are the basic principles of good SEO for writers and editors:
  • Offer original content with genuine value and relevance to your readers.
  • Strategically seed your copy with keywords that describe your content and that correspond with the phrases people are using to perform their searches.
  • Embed keywords where they matter most: in the title, headings, links, metadata (part of your page’s source code), and image and video tags.
  • Make every page of your site unique: In addition to original content, each page should have its own topic, title, and page-specific keywords (though you can use the highest-volume keywords throughout your site—see “Keyword Research Tools” for assistance in finding the best keywords).
  • Deliver on the promise of your keywords: Don’t lure people to your site with words that don’t accurately represent your content.
  • Link to other relevant sites, and encourage those sites to link to yours.
  • Optimize your site for people first—through clear, concise writing—and for search engines second. Implement SEO without turning your text into nonsense.

All the SEO copywriting skill in the world won’t help your site if a search engine can’t read it. This is the case with text saved as an image: The image looks like a blank portion of the page to a search engine. Avoid saving text as an image. 
How search engines read a webpage
Even though people and search engines scan webpages differently, there are some similarities:
  • Page title. Both people and search engines need to know at a glance what a page is about. The page title, sometimes called the <title> tag, is inserted in the code of a webpage. You’ll see it in the top bar of a Web browser, as in the following example.

picture of title bar

See “Coding Basics” for examples of other HTML tags, both in page code and as they will appear in a browser.
  • Headlines, emphasized words, and lists. Both people and search engines know that anything called out in headlines or subheadings, in boldface or italics, or in bulleted lists is likely to be important. Make sure headings, links, and lists in your Web copy are called out with HTML tags.
  • Introduction and conclusion. Readers will scan your opening paragraph or your summary for quick information. And search engines, to understand what the subject of a page is, look for keywords throughout that page, including at the top (the introduction) and the bottom (the conclusion). But don’t just shove keywords into the top or the bottom of your page—distribute them evenly throughout.
  • Related links. Humans appreciate options for more information. Search engines, too, like to see that you’ve linked to other websites and that other websites have linked to yours.
Search engines and people both like:
  • Verbosity. In the search engine world, verbosity means substantial, relevant, original content. Do fill your page with words, but write succinctly: Make sure that every word you write is relevant to your audience and to the topic you’re addressing.
  • Good writing. To a search engine, good writing means using variations of your keywords, including those with different endings. For example, if you are targeting the phrase job interview, use the singular, plural, -ing, and -ed forms, such as job interviews and job interviewing.
Search engines and people both dislike:
  • Bad writing. Search engines are more likely to penalize your website when you stuff your copy with unrelated keywords, strand a list of keywords at the bottom of your page, and rely too much on headlines and links. Your entire page should be relevant: Like a muffin with the right amount of blueberries, it should have juicy keywords distributed evenly throughout, but not so many that they overwhelm the whole.
  • Broken links. Search engines want to provide a great experience for their customers by directing them to a useful and informative website that works properly. Broken links tell people and search engines that a site is poorly maintained and will give people a bad experience.

So, no more today. Have fun with SEO. For more download the books.

Thanks !!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

History of MS Access

MS Access

logo of Access

We knew right then that FMS had to make a strategic change to support Access. We knew Borland was going to get buried. We almost flew home before the Access rollout. We were already behind. We weren't deeply involved with the Access team during the rollout, hadn't thought of any Access products (much less announce them), didn't get in the product catalog inside the Access box, and knew we had to move quickly. Returning from Las Vegas, Dan Haught (EVP) and I started developing our Total Access documentation program.
In July 1993, we released Total Access for Access 1.1. With promotions in the Access Advisor magazine and support from Microsoft people like Tod Nielsen, it became an immediate hit. That got us going in the Access market and the rest is history.

Returning from Las Vegas, Dan Haught (EVP) and I started developing our Total Access documentation program.

In July 1993, we released Total Access for Access 1.1. With promotions in the Access Advisor magazine and support from Microsoft people like Tod Nielsen, it became an immediate hit. That got us going in the Access market and the rest is history.

A Family of Access Products

Total Access evolved into a family of products for Access. When Access 2.0 was released in 1994, we launched Total Access Analyzer (for database documentation and analysis), Total Access Agent (for automated database maintenance), Total Access Speller (a spellchecker), and Total Access Statistics (for data analysis).
Today, FMS is the world's leading third-party developer of tools for Microsoft Access and has released 12 award-winning products. We have customers in more than 100 countries, and offer products for Microsoft Visual Basic®, Microsoft SQL Server™, and Microsoft Visual Studio® .NET. And it all happened because of how impressed we were with Access in 1992. So, no more today. Have fun with MS Access…………………………

Thanks !!!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

History of MS Powerpoint

MS Powerpoint 

 logo of powerpoint

Bill Gates knows a good thing when he sees it, and in 1987, he monitored the whirlwind of program fruition, purchase, reselling, and marketing of Robert Gaskins’ PowerPoint Presentation. Gaskins, a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley, created PowerPoint at his own R&D Laboratories, first for an offer by Apple and then for a better Microsoft bid. Apple had slated their “Presentation” to run on the Apple II line of Macintosh with the goal of providing presenters with digitalized slides to accompany their speeches. In a $14 million dollar buyout, Gates brought the program (and Gaskins) to Microsoft, changing “Presentation” to the familiar Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation.
By combining notations, slides, and audio, this office tool, now selling over $100 million annually, would revolutionize the world of presentations. However, it would take 14 years to complete these three basic functions, and Gaskins set to work at the Microsoft Business unit from 1987 to 1993 with the sole intention of managing the growth of PowerPoint.
PowerPoint 1.0 came with an impressive 236 color graphics card and its share of problems, and in the end it wasn’t as attractive as the standard slide projector or over-head monitor. The program allowed users to easily add headings and text to slides, but the digitalizing of photographs was expensive and limited users to large businesses and government.
PowerPoint 2.0 helped curb this problem by providing users with digitalized transfers of their 35mm slides. Customers could send their photographs and graphics to the partnering company Genigraphics and have their PowerPoint slides processed in over 16 million colors overnight. This update was first introduced for Macs in 1988 and for Windows in 1990 and sold a myriad more than its 17 competitors.
But it was PowerPoint 3.0 that brought the program's three fundamental functions of photograph, notation, and audio presentation together. Released for both Windows and Mac in 1992, Microsoft PowerPoint 3.0 included options to output live video, supported synchronize sound and video clips, animations, and added slide transition graphics, and animations. With a full sense of completion, Robert Gaskins left his position at Microsoft in 1993 to restore a historic mansion with his wife in London.
PowerPoint would go through four more phases after Gaskins' departure, each increasing the revenues of the now standard program. In the mid-1990s, PowerPoint was packaged with the popular Excel and Word as the three-for-one Microsoft Office, which provided business users with the full bundle of Microsoft’s largest selling office programs for a reduced price. The Internet brought HTML to PowerPoint 97, and users were given the ability to save their presentations as web files. As online communications grew, PowerPoint 2000 continued this tradition by adding video conferencing and presenter videos. So, have fun with MS Powerpoint............................

Thanks !!!

About MS Excel

MS Excel

logo of excel


Microsoft Excel is a software of Microsoft Corporation. Now, learn about it.

In the Beginning

The program didn't start off being called Excel. Instead, it was a simple spreadsheet program titled Multi-plan, which was released in 1982. While it was wildly popular on CP/M systems, those who used MS-DOS weren't as happy with it as they were with Lotus 1-2-3. To try to remedy that, Microsoft released it as Excel in 1985 for Mac and in 1987 for Windows, which was the first time that it was marketed under the name Microsoft Excel in the mainstream computer software market. Since Lotus 1-2-3 was a bit slow on their game to bring their program to Windows, Excel capitalized on this flaw and managed to get in and steal most of the market before Lotus ever got their program switched over. By the time that Lotus 1-2-3 managed to get its program into the mainstream Windows market, Excel was already outselling all of the competition. In fact, it was this push that gave Microsoft the edge and helped it grow into the leading software developer in the world.
With its status firmly planted, and its sales growing in leaps and bounds, Microsoft was able to push Lotus off of its position as the top spreadsheet seller and was able to begin showing off its future visions for developing GUI software. The crew at Microsoft took full advantage of their new top position and began to produce regular releases, about every year and a half, so that users would constantly have an updated version with better features. So, have fun with MS Excel…………………………………………

Thanks !!!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

About MS Word

Microsoft Word
logo of ms word

The first version of Microsoft Word was developed by Charles Simonyi and Richard Brodie, former Xerox programmers hired by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 1981. Both programmers worked on Xerox Bravo, the first WYSIWYG word processor. The first Word version, Word 1.0, was released in October 1983 for Xenix MS-DOS; it was followed by four very similar versions that were not very successful. The first Windows version was released in 1989, with a slightly improved interface. When Windows 3.0 was released in 1990, Word became a huge commercial success. Word for Windows 1.0 was followed by Word 2.0 in 1991 and Word 6.0 in 1993. Then it was renamed to Word 95 and Word 97, Word 2000 and Word for Office XP (to follow Windows commercial names). Word 2007 was released as part of office 2007, and the latest version is currently word 2010, part of Office 2010. Microsoft Word 2010 has new WordArt styles and effects replacing the old styles. Now Microsoft Word 2010 is available in market. So, don't late, buy for you and have fun with Microsoft Word.......................

You can download a e-book for learn MS Word keyboard shortcuts.

Thanks !!!

Monday, October 1, 2012



WordPress is a blog template system that was launched in 2001 as a single bit of code used to enhance the composition of writing. Since then it has become the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world. Millions of people on a vast number of websites use it every day. WordPress was designed due to the desire and need for a well-designed and structured publishing system using PHP and MySQL. It was created out of necessity as users demanded a high performance system. With thorough research on the aspects needed and demanded by writers, WordPress evolved into a project, which has a large following and user satisfaction. The creation of WordPress has taken the world by storm.
The creators of WordPress are Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little. They determined the name of their software from a suggestion by Christine Selleck who was a friend of Matt. Realizing the name fit the application, the decision was made to use it. In 2004, the licensing terms moved WordPress into a new market, maximizing the growth of usage. Using different techniques, it includes codes (PHP and HTML) and themes that allow the users to switch between needed applications.
Included in the application are integrated link management features, search engine friendly options, multiple author capabilities, and support for posts and articles. Automatic features provide formatting and personalized styles of text within articles. This option allows users to convert regular quotes into smart quotes, while also supporting techniques that allow the users to link information to websites. All of these functions have been updated through time. In 2005, a release of version 1.5 introduced themes, which were downloaded over 900,000 times. This added to already current user base. With the demands for further implementations of techniques, hosted services produced a release of version 2.0.
With each new version, downloads for the application grew. In 2006 there were 1,545,703 downloads followed by 3,816,965 downloads in 2007. Downloads for the unique plug-in in 2006 were 191,567. In 2007, the 1,384 plug-in had downloads of 2,845,884. With every new feature, WordPress continued to meet the needs of users and created a better environment for users. Starting after Version 1.0, most of the releases have been coded after well-known jazz musicians. So, have fun with Wordpress...............................

Thanks !!!



Joomla! is a continuation of the work of the Development Team which unanimously resigned from the Mambo project in August 2005. Celebrating its first birthday in September 2006, Joomla! has received 2.5 million downloads and is currently supported by a team of 19 developers. The name was chosen from thousands of recommendations by the community, and even went through an arduous review session by branding and marketing professionals who also felt that Joomla was the best choice of the lot. Joomla is a phonetic spelling for the Swahili word "Jumla", which means "all together" or "as a whole".

The Joomla! project has several Working Groups that have been created to utilise the wealth of knowledge our community provides. Each of these groups focuses on a specific aspect of Joomla! essential to the project's growth and development.

As it is neither possible or healthy for the core team to be involved in every discussion and conversation regarding Joomla! development and growth, these working groups are essential. With a leader or co-leader on the core team they have a built-in method of communication directly with the core team.

These working groups provide an essential communication channel between the community and the core team to bring concerns to light, advocate changes, and disseminate information. So, have fun with Joomla...............

Thanks !!!


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Visual Basic

Visual Basic

A Brief History of Basic

Language developed in early 1960's at Dartmouth College:

B (Beginner's)
A (All-Purpose)
S (Symbolic)
I (Instruction)
C (Code)

·  Answer to complicated programming languages (FORTRAN, Algol, Cobol ...).
First timeshare language.

·  In the mid-1970's, two college students write first Basic for a microcomputer
(Altair) - cost $350 on cassette tape. You may have heard of them: Bill Gates
and Paul Allen!

·  Every Basic since then essentially based on that early version. Examples include:
GW-Basic, QBasic, QuickBasic.

·  Visual Basic was introduced in 1991.

So, have fun with Visual Basic........................

Thanks !!!





AutoCAD is a software developed by AutoCAD way back in 1982 designed for Engineers, Architects and Designers. It is the flagship product of Autodesk and till date, there are not competitive products that can match AutoCAD.
AutoCAD History:
AutoCAD was developed from a program called Interact, which was written in a launguage called (SPL) by Michael Riddle. The first version ran on the Marinchip Systems 9900 computer (Marinchip Systems was owned by Autodesk co-founders John Walker and Dan Drake). Walker paid Riddle US$10 million for this CAD technology.
When Marinchip Software Partners (later known as Autodesk) formed, the co-founders decided to re-code Interact in C and PL/1. They chose C because it seemed to be the biggest upcoming language. The C version was the most complex programs in that language. Autodesk had to work with a compiler developer, Lattice, to update C, enabling AutoCAD to run. Early releases of AutoCAD used primitive entities such as lines, polylines, circles, arcs, and text — to construct more complex objects. Since the mid-1990s, AutoCAD supported custom objects through its C++ Application Programming Interface (API).
The modern AutoCAD includes a full set of basic solid modeling and 3D tools. The release ofAutoCAD 2007 included the improved 3D modeling that provided better navigation when working in 3D. Moreover, it became easier to edit 3D models. The mental ray engine was included in rendering and therefore it is possible to do quality renderings. AutoCAD 2010introduced parametric functionality and mesh modeling.

The latest AutoCAD releases are AutoCAD 2013 and AutoCAD 2013 for Mac. The release marked the 27th major release for the AutoCAD for Windows, and the third consecutive year for AutoCAD for Mac.
Official Name
Date of release
AutoCAD Version 1.0
1982, December
DWG R1.0 file format introduced.
AutoCAD Version 1.2
1983, April
DWG R1.2 file format introduced.
AutoCAD Version 1.3
1983, August
DWG R1.3 file format introduced.
AutoCAD Version 1.4
1983, October
DWG R1.4 file format introduced.
AutoCAD Version 2.0
1984, October
DWG R2.05 file format introduced.
AutoCAD Version 2.1
1985, May
DWG R2.1 file format introduced.
AutoCAD Version 2.5
1986, June
DWG R2.5 file format introduced.
AutoCAD Version 2.6
1987, April
DWG R2.6 file format introduced. Last version to run without a math co-processor.
AutoCAD Release 9
1987, September
DWG R9 file format introduced.
AutoCAD Release 10
1988, October
DWG R10 file format introduced.
AutoCAD Release 11
1990, October
DWG R11 file format introduced.
AutoCAD Release 12
1992, June
DWG R11/R12 file format introduced. Last release for Apple Macintosh till 2010.
AutoCAD Release 13
1994, November
DWG R13 file format introduced. Last release for Unix, MS-DOS and Windows 3.11.
AutoCAD Release 14
1997, February
DWG R14 file format introduced.
AutoCAD 2000
1999, March
DWG 2000 file format introduced.
AutoCAD 2000i
2000, July

AutoCAD 2002
2001, June

AutoCAD 2004
2003, March
DWG 2004 file format introduced.
AutoCAD 2005
2004, March

AutoCAD 2006
2005, March

AutoCAD 2007
2006, March
DWG 2007 file format introduced.
AutoCAD 2008
2007, March
Annotative Objects introduced. First release for the x86-64 versions of Windows XP and Vista.
AutoCAD 2009
2008, March
Revisions to the user interface including the option of a Microsoft Office 2007-like tabbed ribbon.
AutoCAD 2010
2009, March 24
DWG 2010 file format introduced. Parametrics introduced. Mesh 3D solid modeling introduced. Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of AutoCAD 2010 and AutoCAD LT 2010 are compatible with and supported under Microsoft Windows 7.
AutoCAD 2011
2010, March 25
Surface Modeling, Surface Analysis and Object Transparency introduced. October 15, 2010[6] AutoCAD 2011 for Mac was released. Are compatible with and supported under Microsoft Windows 7
AutoCAD 2012
2011, March 22
Associative Array, Model Documentation
AutoCAD 2013
2012, March
Associative Array, Model Documentation

 So, have fun with Autocad.....................

Thanks !!!