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Monday, October 15, 2012

History of MS Access

MS Access

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We knew right then that FMS had to make a strategic change to support Access. We knew Borland was going to get buried. We almost flew home before the Access rollout. We were already behind. We weren't deeply involved with the Access team during the rollout, hadn't thought of any Access products (much less announce them), didn't get in the product catalog inside the Access box, and knew we had to move quickly. Returning from Las Vegas, Dan Haught (EVP) and I started developing our Total Access documentation program.
In July 1993, we released Total Access for Access 1.1. With promotions in the Access Advisor magazine and support from Microsoft people like Tod Nielsen, it became an immediate hit. That got us going in the Access market and the rest is history.

Returning from Las Vegas, Dan Haught (EVP) and I started developing our Total Access documentation program.

In July 1993, we released Total Access for Access 1.1. With promotions in the Access Advisor magazine and support from Microsoft people like Tod Nielsen, it became an immediate hit. That got us going in the Access market and the rest is history.

A Family of Access Products

Total Access evolved into a family of products for Access. When Access 2.0 was released in 1994, we launched Total Access Analyzer (for database documentation and analysis), Total Access Agent (for automated database maintenance), Total Access Speller (a spellchecker), and Total Access Statistics (for data analysis).
Today, FMS is the world's leading third-party developer of tools for Microsoft Access and has released 12 award-winning products. We have customers in more than 100 countries, and offer products for Microsoft Visual Basic®, Microsoft SQL Server™, and Microsoft Visual Studio® .NET. And it all happened because of how impressed we were with Access in 1992. So, no more today. Have fun with MS Access…………………………

Thanks !!!

1 comment:

  1. You can Question us for any Problem.Thanks.................
